Mullein Leaf Recipes for Respiratory Wellness | Starwest Botanicals
Posted by Molly McConnell on 01-16-2025
Get to Know the Magic of Mullein
Like dandelion, yarrow, nettle and many other traditional herbal allies, mullein is considered to be a weed, demonstrating resilience in the way it thrives in poor compacted soils. Often, plants like these have a lot to teach us, illustrating a great sense of renewal against all odds. I like to believe that a subtle aspect of this fortifying resilient energy transfers over into mullein teas and tinctures, infusing them with extra vitality. Just as mullein demonstrates the power to persevere, perhaps consuming it can inspire and elicit that in us. This orientation toward perseverance, and even self-preservation, may also explain why folk herbalism associates mullein with protection and the ability to ward off evil.
With an extensive lineage in European and North American folk medicine, mullein has been used for more than 2,000 years. The dried leaves can be brewed into an herbal tea or used for infusions and syrups. The flowers featured in children’s ear oils.
Ways to Use Mullein
Mullein leaf is common in several different deliveries: tea, tincture, extract, and syrup. Let’s explore each variation.
Mullein Tea: Mullein leaf that has been dried, cut and sifted can easily be used to make an antioxidant-rich herbal tea. To get started, simply pour 8 ounces of boiling water over 1-2 tsp. of Mullein leaf cut sift organic. Cover and steep for 10-20 minutes, strain and serve. Drink 2-3 times/day for up to one week to support seasonal respiratory wellness.
Discover how to make a lung supporting mullein tea blend (with dosha-specific modifications) below.
Mullein Tincture: A mullein tincture comes from infusing mullein leaf in 60-90% alcohol for an extended period of time (about one month). This can be done with fresh mullein leaves, dried mullein leaves (cut/sifted) or mullein leaf powder. Fill a clean glass jar about ¾ full with mullein herb, then cover with a neutral alcohol, making sure that the plant matter is entirely submerged. Place a lid securely on the jar and label it with its contents and the date. Store in a cool dry, shaking periodically. After a month or more, strain the tincture, transfer to a dropper bottle. Add 1-2 droppers to hot water with honey to support bronchial wellness.
For more guidance and ratios, see the mullein tincture recipe below.
Mullein Extract: Similar to a mullein tincture, a mullein extract is a potent herbal infusion that is rapidly absorbed by the body. The difference is that an extract is typically infused into a lower percentage of alcohol. At Starwest, our Organic Mullein Extract embodies an herb strength of 1:1, using 8 pounds of dried Organic Mullein Leaf used to make one gallon of extract with 30% alcohol.
All of our herbs and botanicals are tested for a variety of specifications in our Quality Control Laboratory, including identity and purity, along with a number of other additional tests. We are committed to stringent quality control inspection procedures, and our experienced technicians hand-select only superior quality herbs and botanicals for extraction. All steps ensure a premium quality and exceptionally potent herbal dietary supplement.
Taking herbal remedies and supplements in liquid form is an easy and convenient way to get the nutrients one’s body needs. Liquid Herbal Extract Dietary Supplements taken regularly in addition to a healthy diet, promote optimum health and well-being.
Order mullein extract here.
Mullein Syrup: A mullein syrup is an ideal delivery for those who prioritize taste — including children! To make a syrup, you’ll cook your mullein leaf down with other ingredients (like organic elderberries) and finish with a respiratory-supportive sweetener like raw honey or jaggery (mineral sugar).
When you’re ready to try it yourself, check out the recipe below.
How to Make Mullein Tea
According to The Yoga of Herbs, Mullein exhibits sweet, bitter and astringent tastes. In Ayurveda, the taste of a particular herb or food is called rasa. Like most sweet and bitter herbs, calendula has a cooling energy, or virya. This means that a tea made from mullein leaf may help release or counter excess heat in the body. The sweet taste is said to bring a soothing and smoothing effect, while the astringent taste is known to dry us excess moisture and mucus. The bitter taste helps relieve stagnation and promote flow in congested areas. Because mullein has an affinity for the lungs, it is most commonly used to aid upper respiratory challenges.
3 teaspoon Mullein Leaf
1 teaspoon Cinnamon bark
1 teaspoon Orange peel
1 teaspoon Fennel seed
2 teaspoon Marshmallow root
2 teaspoon Nettle leaf
- In a medium-size bowl, combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly using your hands. The recipe makes about five servings of tea total.
- Steep 2 teaspoons of the tea mixture in 10-12 ounces of boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Strain and enjoy!
- Transfer the remaining tea mixture from your medium-size bowl into a glass jar with a lid for storage.
Modifications for Doshas
Add 1 teaspoon of any of the following:
- Kapha — dry ginger, whole cloves
- Vata — fresh ginger, tulsi/holy basil
- Pitta — peppermint, rose petals
3 teaspoon Mullein Leaf
3 teaspoon Rose
2 teaspoon Ginger
2 teaspoon Tulsi/Holy Basil
2 teaspoon Cinnamon bark
1 teaspoon Nettle
1 teaspoon Licorice root
1 teaspoon Lavender
- In a medium-size bowl, combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly using your hands. The recipe makes about four servings of tea total.
- Steep 1 tablespoon of the tea mixture in 10-12 ounces of boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Strain and enjoy!
- Transfer the remaining tea mixture from your medium-size bowl into a glass jar with a lid for storage.
How to Make a Mullein Tincture
Mullein may help calm irritated membranes caused by seasonal wellness challenges like congestion. It may also support the reduction of excess phlegm and mucus without creating excessive dryness.
This tincture can be taken in water or juice, though my favorite is to add it to herbal tea such as lemon balm, lemon ginger, nettle or elderberry. Mullein extract also pairs well with tulsi extract or ginger extract, among others.
1 cup Cut/Sifted Mullein Leaf
1 cup alcohol* (or cover by 1 inch)
16 oz jar
*Use at least 40-50% alcohol (80-100 proof) like brandy or vodka - if using a stronger alcohol, you can dilute it with water. The common ratio for a dry herb tincture is 1 part herb by weight to 5 parts alcohol by volume. I’ve adjusted that ratio for ease and simplicity.
- Fill a clean 16 ounce glass jar with about 1 cup of mullein leaf.
- Cover with about 1 cup of a neutral alcohol, making sure that the plant matter is entirely submerged.
- Place a lid securely on the jar and label it with its contents and the date.
- Store in a cool dry, shaking periodically.
- After one month, strain the tincture, transfer to a dropper bottle. Add 1-2 droppers to hot water with honey to support bronchial wellness.
How to Make Mullein Syrup
Mullein leaf may help soothe the smooth muscle of the lungs, trachea and diaphragm while calming overactive organs to promote a gentle sense of ease and recovery in aggravated areas.
- 1 cup mullein leaf (or ½ cup mullein powder)
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries
- ½ cup elecampane (optional)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 whole cloves
- 1 teaspoon dried ginger powder
- 4-5 cups water
- 1 cup raw honey
- In a large pot, bring the mullein, elecampane, elderberries, water, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and water to a boil.
- Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for about 45 minutes, until the liquid has reduced by about half.
- Remove from heat and allow the syrup to cool.
- Strain through a fine mesh sieve.
- Press the liquid out of the berries using a wooden spoon.
- Add the raw honey and mix well.
- Store in a glass container with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator for up to two months.
Where to Buy Organic Mullein Leaf
Order your Organic Cut and Sifted Mullein Leaf directly from Starwest Botanicals, where we’re committed unwaveringly to sustainability, ethical sourcing, and supporting our communities from seed to shelf. You’ll also find Wildcrafted Mullein, Mullein Leaf Powder, and Organic Mullein Extract Flower Extract for all your herbal apothecary needs!
Mullein Products
- Mullein Leaf Powder Organic
- Mullein leaf cut and sifted wildcrafted
- Mullein leaf Powder wildcrafted
- Mullein leaf extract
At Starwest, we offer an extensive, diverse, and carefully curated selection of premium-quality botanicals, organic herbs, delicious spices, tantalizing teas, and 100% pure essential oils. If you are passionate about highest quality ingredients and all the standards — from USDA Organic, to Non-GMO, Fairtrade, and more — you are in the right place.
Nature is filled with possibilities for wellness, discovery, and adventure — let’s explore together
Molly McConnell is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner who is committed to cultivating collective wellness. Guided by curiosity, embodied listening, and the rhythms of nature, Molly’s approach to Ayurveda is intentional and intersectional. As the cofounder of Cultivate Balance, she supports purpose-oriented people to come home to their bodies and restore resilience through nourishment, ritual, and routine. For a more immersive experience, Connect with Molly 1:1 or check out The Reset for Resilience.